jueves, 17 de octubre de 2019

The animals and pets

I´ve always liked animals, I feel that is special it have to ability to pass emotion but at the same time they are wild. I think that animals are free beings so I have never liked zoos because they are exhibit; I understand that is necessary the protection to endangered species but I don’t understand that the polar bear lives in the place that is not natural environment just so people can see it.

I believe that the pets are sufficient to give and receive love so you can have a dog or a cat and do not visit a zoo like an entertainment, is important resign with know that exist the animals.

I consider myself pet lovers but I like more the dogs, I have had two dogs in my life and one cats, I loved them all but dogs are more active than cats and their face they can express more emotions, the cats are more independent and they choose when to look for you.

Now I don’t have a pet because my department is small to a pets but I will always like the company of a pet.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

Postgraduate studies

In my career exist two important topic  physical geography and human geography, both need specialization so the school offers a postgraduate degree for one more year of study, for this the geography student think that is important keep studying.

I will like study abroad and I have many reasons to study for example I imagine it is a great experience but also because exist new thinking trends in other countries, Another reason is that I personally like the economics area of the geography and the politics geography, so is important have an international focus.

Anyway I would prefer to work for a while because it allows a contact with the reality but the main reason is that is an opportunity to earn money and save, I think that I would like live in the other country without worry for a place to stay or food and in Chile exist scholarship of the postgraduate the most famous is “Becas Chile” but is difficult win because it is search benefit to doctor, engineer, scientist, etc. that is, people that studied scientist career.

Another reason is that study a postgraduate is relevant today because labor camp is very competitive and only Bachelor's degree in geography is not sufficient, then you will always have to continue studying.

I would like study but also I would like work in my  specialty.


My favorite Cartoon

When I was a child i liked watch tv very much, there were different tv shows that broadcasted different cartoon for example El Club de los Tigritos emitted Japanese Manga and Zoolo tv emited American cartoons.

Of all, the one the most liked was Hey Arnold! Because its drama was about teeneger problems but also was about social problems in tipically occidental society, the principal charater was Arnold, he was a orphan boy that lived with his grandparents in the suburbs, located in Hillwood city, this a fictional city inspired in Brooklyn, New York, Seattle and London, He had blond hear and a peculiar ball shaped head. His best friend was called Gerald Johanssen he was a black boy with a very particular hair, other important character was Helga she was a girl that had a secret love for Arnold but she bullyng everyone even Arnold.

Even chapter focused on a problem of some character and their respective development, it was a very interesting cartoon. I watched from Monday to Friday at 6 pm.

This was produced by Nickelodeon,  it´s a American tv station. The cartoon was very popular that it had a movie.  

I enjoyed watching Arnold and I recommend it.
Bye Bye.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

My future Job

I have always imaginated that my work will be between in office and outdoors talking with the people, I think that is a good plane because I would not mind working in an office but not all time, I will prefer to be with a people who know how to work in a team because in geography you can work alone but it is always better to share your ideas to improve.

I would like that my work environment be sociable, where the people can study and suggest resolve to the different problem, also I would like that in my work can access to different software to create good quality cartography that serves for territorial planning.

I wouldn’t like to work do overtime or weekends but I wouldn’t mind working without have lunch in exchange for finish before working day, also a would like have holidays in different date of the years.

In my career I like specialty of rural geography and hidrology so this area I can study different resolve to problem like drought or economic development of the rural community, for this I will prefer work in a government office because it’s can power and economics resource intervene the territory.

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

Remembering is a special exercise because our whole life looks like a movie.

I like to remember when I was 7 years old and lived in Lautaro, in the south of Chile. In that time I didn’t have big responsibilities only was going to school and playing. But my favorite pastime was on my bicycle.  

When I was on my bicycle nothing stop me, feel the wind in my face motivate me to go faster for the camp listening the bird and looking at the big trees, I went far from my house and when it was late, I returned.

One day I had the idea of go on bicycle to the school but thorn on the road pricked the wheel of the bicycle was a sad day for mi because as well as arrived later to my class. Therefore, I didn’t achieve my objective and when finish the class I had to walk home with my prick bicycle.

Then my father repaired my bike and I did can back riding on my bicycle but since that day I have many care of don’t  prick even now I go for the city. 

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

Know the World

The World is enormous and life too short to stay in one place, sometime in the future I would like to visit Italy. It is a great country; it has many cities to know as for example: Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan and Naples. His food is very famous like Lasagna, Spaghetti and Pizza.

Once I read that Venice sinks as inch every year, therefore I would like to take advantage of going and not see it already sunk. 

The history of Italy is very interesting once I hear that the people feel more identity with their city that their country, Southern province is less industrialized than the Northern Province, It´s landscape is beautiful.

I know many Italian singer like a Rafaella Carrá, Ricardo Cocciante, Humberto Tozzi and their music is known in LatinAmerican. I dream with go one day and stay a long time abroad for have time to explore the whole country and learn your language.

Bye bye.